Accept Responsibility

Sabrina Reyenga
9 min readMar 16, 2018

Hello world. Yesterday I found myself responding to a brothers post. What followed was an interesting dialogue about responsibility and how our assumptions are judgments.

My brothers post, “THE GREAT DECEPTION Thoughts??”

My response, “The belief that you are a victim of the world you perceive and have no power to do anything about it….”

My brothers response, “I think it’s more that all we were told taught to believe everything is now proven to be upside down whereby evil is rewarded and end good us said to be evil… It’s all a lie… a deceit…. So… What now.???”

My response, “That is just it honey, when you believe your power has been taken from you by another in any way…you are believing you are a victim. We are taught to judge everyone and everything around us as trying to kill us, maim us, punish us, and destroy us. That we are the ones who are wrong and bad and must be punished. That we deserve whatever is happening. We are taught to judge every experience as being this or that. They are always colored by the judgments being handed to us at that time…

Right now you are being given a chance to change your mind. Look within at what you had been taught. The next step here is to accept responsibility for the choice you made to believe what was said and done in the first place love. To choose again and choose differently what it is you are wanting to believe in from now on. As you begin to let go those things you were taught and choose again choosing differently this time……



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.