Member-only story
All perceptions are based in a belief being held as being true.
Hello world. The following was written 3/7/2018.
Tonight as I was listening to the guest on Fade to Black talk about reality, multi-dimensional universes and how we are trained to perceive everything to be, I found myself channeling clarity to what the guest Marina was stating regarding shifting our reality and what is perceived being a holographic image. How all is a construct being created within the mind. The following were the responses I was channeling during that dialogue…
“What she is speaking of in regards manifestation is that we manifest whatever we are choosing to focus all of our attentions or mental and emotional energies on. It is the intensity of our focus that manifests our reality. We do this through our choices to judge so believe.
Keep in mind that the Universe is a mental construct. Humanity is taught to think, believe, be and perceive in a specific way as Individuals. This training crosses over to how we are trained to be within our societies. This is how we co-create this reality.
As Humanity chooses to take back their Sovereignty of Being as Individuals they will change the co-creation within the reality being experienced and perceived. As they shift their perspectives, reality shifts with them.
You are not your body my brothers. You are the Soul within that shell. The shell is an energy vehicle. It is no more than a car for your Soul. You project out before you that shell that…