Member-only story
An open dialogue with a brother can bring forth healing…
Hello world. The following was written 1/22/2017.
My brother speaks, “Sabrina you are way too open on FB… in my opinion. Also so sensitive.”
My response, “That is a judgment and you are welcome to keep it. What you call or judge as “sensitive”… Is a manifestation of an ability within me. It is called being psychic or empathic. What you judge as being “too open”…. Is also a judgment based out of your own fear, shame, blame and guilt in regards to how you “think” others are judging you because that is how you DO judge yourself. Consider what you have stated here and this truth may be seen buried within it. Hugs and love on your journey my brother.”
My brother speaks, “Sabrina — thanks. I was putting myself in your shoes. Obviously from this post of it does not fit you. Sorry. To me it is putting pearls before swine. Why do it? Again my opinion dear….”
My response, “My purpose here in this life is to accept who I AM and where I am on my journey as I am experiencing it. I am to be an example of what it means to not live in fear of the judgments and recriminations of others. Their opinions are no more than judgments held that state this is who they think they are. Consider that one a bit my brother.
By the way, the whole “pearls before swine” is also a judgment. It says you believe you are better than your brothers and that your brothers are not WORTHY of LOVE. Consider that as well my brother.”
My brother speaks, “Sabrina you are most probably way ahead of me. There is so much I would not say here on FB.”
My response, “I am no longer living in fear my brother. It matters not to me what it is my brother decides to choose to believe in after I have shared my truth. All that matters is that I chose TO STAND in my Light of Truth.”
My brother speaks, “_/l\_ “
At the same time this conversation was happening another was transpiring in tandem. That dialogue was very similar, yet very different too.
My brother speaks, “You may be making this up that someone was actually “proclaiming” you.”
My response, “Believe as you wish. Just keep in mind what you choose to believe is what YOU project out before you and witness. I am not able to lie. If I do I manifest illness and disease immediately within my body. Diseases such as cancers. You seem to continue judging me based off of what it is you are wanting to think and believe. I am sensing envy buried under your commentaries. Something to consider… Blessings on your journey brother.”
My brother speaks, “It just seems odd that you have to announce that you are going to unfriend someone. Just unfriend them, period.”
My response, “Why are you choosing to judge what another is doing within their own home. It matters not that you can see or hear them from the street. If it does not concern you in any way why judge it?
Consider this… You are projecting your own fears before you of what you believe would be judged of you…”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.