Member-only story
Are the teachers teaching you how to be a victim?
Hello world. The following was written 6/20/2016.
I AM that I AM. I am the Mother, willing to give her all for her children. Even if that all be her life. My rage at any who would dare to contemplate such a thing is paralleled by none. For the Righteous Fury which arises in me, shall vanquish all who willfully seek to harm another.
I find myself in a barely controlled rage when I hear a self proclaimed teacher lie and manipulate those seeking answers. To dangle the carrot on the stick before them of enlightenment and an end to their pain and suffering. Only to reach into your pocket and clean out anything you may value therein. All the while stringing you along just to keep you paying them for some answer they do not know. They just want you to keep on believing they do. They intentionally seek out any who they believe they can manipulate to their will. Then try and destroy any relationship they may have to more fully have control over them. An example would be those telling my husband he needs to leave me, because I am controlling him and not allowing him to do what they think he should do, because they want to be the guru.
The fury which erupts within me at witnessing and even experiencing first hand these acts is astounding. The clear understanding of what is happening and how it is happening fuels this fury even more. For what these “teachers” are doing is teaching how to be a victim. How to give away your power to another without any understanding as to how you are doing…