Authenticity Requires a Fundamental Change in Thinking and Believing.

Sabrina Reyenga
5 min readJul 12, 2021

Hello world. The following was written 7/12/2016.

I had a dialogue with a brother and found myself sharing the understandings being given to me by Holy Spirit about the cage we have built in our own minds that entraps us in a belief system of judgmental labels and lies that had been taught to us. How we are to wear false facades and masks to hide who we are and would choose to be if we were not afraid of being judged. Why Authenticity is needed.

A brother states, “The Greatest Prison People Live In Is The Fear Of What Other People Think.”

My response, “The prison is within their own mind. It is a cage they build themselves and they are the only one who can dismantle so remove it. Every judgment, label and opinion they have chosen to accept and believe in is a bar within that cage. Every judgment, label and opinion they chose to make and hand out is a bar within that cage. They use those beliefs in those judgments and labels as the ties or shackles to keep them bound tightly in their own cage. Those same judgments and labels are what they are terrified of and fear being handed to them by all who’s path may cross theirs and even those who will never meet, see, hear or know of them.”

When one is completely authentic they have nothing to hide or keep secret. Everything is there for the world to view. They give freely with no expectations of anything in return. Not acceptance, denial, approval or a thank you is expected.



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.