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Contemplation: Political Correctness…
Hello world. The following was written 1/30/2017.
Over the weekend my Husband Alex and I were guided to watch a number of movies. Some of these movies we had watched before years ago. Others were more recent. We found ourselves watching the “Atlas Shrugged” series of movies, I believe there are three. We then watched “They Live”, “Soylent Green” and “The Network”. We have also been watching a number of documentaries talking about the history of the USA that has been hidden from us. How we have been manipulated to hand away our power over generations through the propaganda that was being told and taught to us. Part of that propaganda has been the use of “Political Correctness”.
Some things to consider when one is looking at what it is that political correctness does and is actually doing. As I was considering the phrase politically correct I was being given images to consider. The images consisted of people, couples holding hands, hugging, and even kissing. Next came images of women in burkas and Victorian gowns that covered every inch of skin. In each I was witnessing societies dictates in play.
Through societies ideology of being politically correct we have given pejorative meaning to everything we are experiencing. We have been systematically trained to believe we should feel shame, guilt, and fear about our body. We have been trained to hide any and all forms of affection and love. To feel shame, fear, and guilt if we choose to do so openly. That anyone who is expressing those emotions are to be vilified, shamed, and guilt into conforming to the dictates of those around them.
The images I was being shown were showing multiple couples holding hands. Those who were of mixed race and or the same sex were vilified and made to feel shame, guilt, and fear if they were to show any affection or love for another being because that is what was being dictated to them by society. Next came the image of a traditional couple consisting of male and female. These relationships are now the target and focus of these politically correct foundations.
Ladies and Gentlemen… All political correctness has been created for is to separate the masses. It has taught us to judge and be judged. To fear expressing ourselves or anything for anyone else in any way. We have been taught to bury any and all emotion. To never express openly what we are feeling within our hearts. That if and when we choose to do so we must accept the judgments being handed to…