Member-only story
Each Individual Being walks a solitary Path unique to them.
Hello world. The following was written 5/16/2022.
Have you considered questioning instead that which you believe in now as being real so true for you? Have you considered questioning all you have chosen to believe in? Have you considered questioning yourself as to why you think so believe as you do? Have you considered questioning how your mind works? Have you tried connecting the dots within your own mind of how your thoughts are connected to your emotions which are connected to the bodies physical responses?
Can you see the patterns within patterns you repeat consciously and unconsciously? Can you see how those patterns of blind following and accepting where taught you consciously and unconsciously? Can you see how you superimpose over yourself another’s image and life in comparisons which distort the TRUE IMAGE of you?
Each Individual Being walks a solitary Path unique to them. No two paths are the same. There may be similarities, yet they are different. No Path is wrong, for each Path chosen is perfect for the Individual on it. All Paths lead to the same destination regardless how they may look to those on other Paths.
Everything one goes through on their journey is for their benefit with lessons to be learned buried within them whether they know it or not. Nothing is bad or has gone wrong if all is for ones benefit. Each Individual Being who comes into this manifestation of created reality, come in knowing who they are. It is the…