Folks talk to God in many different ways.

Sabrina Reyenga
4 min readJan 16, 2019

Hello world. The following was written 1/16/2016.

Good morning world. For the past week my Husband and I have been going through a lot of chaos and drama in our lives regarding our “friends” and extended families. The differences between the responses I am getting and he is getting are night and day for the most part. Folks seem to feel entitled and feel they have every right to judge Alex and his process. Yet, with me you all have shown me love and support. Based off of these things Holy Spirit and my Guides had me writing in response to what was being posted on Alex’s timeline… The following is what Holy Spirit and my Guides had me respond with.

“Something to consider here people… Folks talk to God in many different ways. Some do it in their minds silently. Others do so out loud. Then you get folks that do so by writing to him. They write in diaries, notebooks, napkins, bathroom walls and so on. They write where they are inspired to do so. Alex has been inspired to write here on Facebook. It is what he is being guided to do by Holy Spirit and his Guides.

The point in sharing as Alex is sharing here is to bring to light the things Holy Spirit and his Guides are having him look at. There is no reason for him to feel shame, fear, guilt, or any other negative emotion about any of this sharing. Yet you all with your opinions and judgments have done no more than try and force on him your own fear, guilt, shame and so forth. You are projecting out onto him what it is you believe about…



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.