Member-only story
Hidden from you in plain sight.
Hello world. The following was written 03/12/2020.
In a bygone era we used rags with soap & water to clean ourselves after relieving ourselves. Similar to clothe diapers we washed the rags for reuse. We used to gather wild herbs for medicines and knew where to find food in the wild or how to grow our own. We can learn to do this again. We must! You have been trained to forget how to be self sufficient. You have been trained to be codependent and to maintain a codependent narcissistic relationship with your local and federal governments.
The issue here is that Humanity has blindly accepted, followed, believed, conformed, complied and adhered to every rule, law, regulation and prohibition handed them without question. They willingly enslaved themselves to an illusion. The illusion being an authority who can punish you if you do not conform and comply willingly with their extortion and coercion tactics.
How you ask? You choose it. You choose to willing accept what is being handed to you without question. You accept the judgmental opinions handed you. You accept the labels with their myriad definitions as defining you. You accept their demands and dictates that you do as they say or else. You choose to live in a constant state of fear of being persecuted by the AUTHORITY.
Something to consider my brothers, everything happens for a reason and for the benefit of ALL CONCERNED. What is the best way to disconnect Humanity from their distractions and focus them on what is of real value…