Member-only story
How are you CHOOSING to do as Jesus is asking?
Hello world. The following was written 01/18/2020.
As my brothers share where they are at on their journeys, they share the perspectives that they are viewing their reality from unknowingly in how they are responding to that which another would share. Within a 24 hour period I had two such instances occur where my brothers put forth their judgments with no understanding of that which had been being shared. Their judgmental responses brought forth a clarity in understanding what they were choosing.
A brother shares, “How should the Advanced Teacher of God spend his day? Show me! Show me! Show me! Follow! Follow! Follow! The only true helpfulness is following.”
My response, “There are no should’s or should not’s here. The Advance Teacher spends their day the same way everyone else is. As the axiom says, “On the road to Enlightenment you chop wood and carry water. Once Enlightened you continue to chop wood and carry water.” What it points to is that the only thing that changes is the way one is choosing to think and perceive. Nothing outside of them changes. Only how they perceive has changed.
Everything we go through and experience is for our benefit with lessons we are to learn from them of ourselves and how we are choosing to judge all as being. It is our choices to judge that becomes that which we think and believe we are experiencing. They are choices we have made to believe, so we perceive what we believe as it is projected before us as what we SEE as being true.
The purpose of the Teacher is to teach the Student how to turn within to Holy Spirit who awaits them within their own heart and mind. The purpose of the Teacher is to get the student to no longer seek the Teacher for their answer but turn within to Holy Spirit instead for the answers they seek. The purpose of the Teacher is to get the Student to surpass the Teacher in understanding themselves so become a Teacher on their own. Sharing their journey and that which has been experienced so learned from it.
I AM a Master Teacher brother.”
A brother responds, “That’s a lotta talk…. Jesus is just saying to follow him… Love you!!!!”
My response, “You stated, “Jesus is just saying to follow him…”. How are you CHOOSING to do as Jesus is asking? Are you choosing to blindly follow and believe that which is read in a book? Are you choosing to blindly follow and believe those who say…