How do we make the changes needed to heal the world and everything within it?

Sabrina Reyenga
4 min readNov 18, 2018

Hello world. The following was written11/17/2017.

As I scroll through the different posts and the myriad groups I see a pattern coming to the fore. My brothers are beginning to ask questions. How can Humanity heal? How do we end racism? How do we end violence? How do we end poverty, starvation, and so many other things facing Humanity? What are or is the solution to these challenges facing Humanity as a whole?

The solution would be to re-educate the Individual. Help them to learn to discern the Truth of those things they have been taught to think and believe in as being true. Those things they were taught defines them, the world and their brothers within it. Teach them the Truth of how everything they were taught to think and believe in was a lie. Like those before them they blindly followed and accepted whatever was told to them as being the Truth and never questioning it. All we have been taught can be unlearned. We can change our minds about those things we were taught to believe.

As children we were taught to conform and accept the dictates of our parents and those whom we are told have authority. We are taught to never question “The Authority” too. We have been taught to judge and be judged. To accept the judgments and labels handed to us and enact them on ourselves. To accept them and believe they define who we are and are meant to be. We are taught to accept the “labels” being handed to us are absolutely true. Those labels…



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.