Member-only story
I do not hold back or sugar coat my words for anyone.
Hello world. The following was written 4/1/2016.
I woke up this morning feeling hot and clammy. Within a few moments I went from overheated to feeling ice cold and shivering. I was feeling very irritable, nauseous, achy, and bitchy in the extreme. I got up out of bed to start my day grudgingly.
As I turn the computer on and start looking at emails and then Facebook I recognize my temper is getting shorter and shorter. I am reading post after post of people with their heads in the proverbial sand or up someone else’s ass. Not a single one of them are willing to go within and look at this shit they are believing in to be true.
I am feeling an overwhelming sense of frustrated anger at these people who are holding back the rest of Humanity with their refusal to look within at what they are holding forth as being the Truth. How they continue to perpetrate and perpetuate their egoistic judgmental-isms on everyone around them.
Am I being judgmental right this minute? Some will say I am. Others will say I am simply being observant. The impression I am being given is no one can move forward alone. It is an all or none thing that is happening here. If even one Being refuses to see the Truth of what it is they are doing no one gets out of here as long as that person is still in their body. They are going to weigh down the entirety of Humanity with their singular resistance to accept responsibility for the things they have chosen to place their faith…