I teach you to look within you to Holy Spirit for your guidance.

Sabrina Reyenga
3 min readMar 12, 2022

Hello world. The following was written 3/12/2017.

This is going out to all the Ladies and Gentlemen who have recently started following me and asking for friend requests. My brothers, I do NOT participate in private messages, video chat sessions, or one on one phone calls. If you send me a private message, try to call me, or send me a video chat invitation they WILL BE IGNORED.

If you would like to have a dialogue with me, then post openly on my Public page, on my wall or one of my articles and I will respond. Everything is to be shared openly for everyone to witness and share in whatever lessons and healing are received.

I am MARRIED with Children, my brothers. My Husband Alex and I have been together for 18+ years. I love my Husband and am not interested in a secondary relationship apart from him, other than the one I have with Holy Spirit to put things nicely here. I work and have a family like many of you. I am no different than any of you. Recognize as you read my posts, the things I share are my personal experiences which are similar to many of your own.

We are equals my brothers. All I am able to do, you are able to do. When I accepted who I AM and am meant to be, I opened a door within me to my own Freedom. I took back my Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing when I lost all fear of what my brothers choose to think, believe and judge me as being or that which I have experienced. In standing in my Light of Truth…



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.