Member-only story
I used to be terrified of being seen or heard.
Hello world. The following was written 01/11/2020
I used to be terrified of being seen or heard. I used to be terrified the world would find out that I was psychic. Growing up I was judged by my family, their friends, neighbors and the catholic church as being demon possessed so evil. They believed the only way to get the demons out of me was to beat them out of me through caning, exorcisms, rapes, molestation and myriad mental and emotional abuses. That treatment continued until I was 14 years old when I walked away from the church and 2 years later I walked away from my family.
On my journey I tried to hide my abilities. My brothers would react the same way my family and the church reacted to what I was able to do. This caused me to have to walk a very solitary path alone with no support, validation nor acceptance from those around me. I had to learn to become Self Reliant and to TRUST that which was being shown me by Spirit.
My fear of being seen so judged incurred multiple cancers and other diseases within my body. My fear of accepting who I AM and that which I AM able to do was killing me slowly from within, eating at me unknowingly. I was told I was dying by doctors and that I was delusional for having visions and hearing voiceless voices. They wanted to hospitalize me. I walked away from them.
I turned within and began listening fully to those voiceless voices asking questions of Holy Spirit and my Guides. Slowly I began to accept myself exactly as I AM and all that I AM able to do. When I did I healed completely on all levels of my being all disease and every experience I ever had. I AM no longer afraid to be seen or heard. I AM that I AM and no one but me gets a say in what I AM choosing for me. My choices are my choices to be as I choose to be. No one else gets a say in it at any time, ever.
My brothers fear not being seen or heard. You are allowed to think, see, be, believe, perceive so express yourself exactly as you so choose. You are not required to do or be as anyone else is choosing or dictating to you. You are allowed to choose differently than they do for yourself. Stand in your Light of Truth and accept yourself as you are and choose to be. It matters not if those around you agree with you. What they choose is what they will have to heal themselves from just as you will have to heal yourself on your own journey. We are only responsible for ourselves and that which we are choosing for us. We…