I walk my OWN PATH.

Sabrina Reyenga
6 min readOct 17, 2022

Hello world. The following was written 10/17/2021.

Yesterday I shared an article titled, “Each Being is a separate whole piece, of the jigsaw puzzle.”, from 2017 and a brother chose to respond at first with a question and then with judgments. The following was our dialogue.

A brother asks, “How did you know that it was the Holy Spirit? “

My response, “In the beginning I DID NOT KNOW who was speaking to me, with the Voiceless Voice I felt within me and without me at the same time, reverberating through every cell within my Being. It is and was through my own CHOICE to LISTEN to HEAR what was being said to me and then QUESTION what was shared, asking for examples which would show me THIS IS THE TRUTH, understanding came of WHO was speaking to me. The more questions I would ask, the deeper the explanations would become, so no misunderstandings were possible.”

My brother responds, “In other words, you were not blocking the voiceless voices in your head but you will soon be blocking mine here…”

My response, “At the time I heard the Voiceless Voice, I was literally dying from a broken body due to a motorcycle accident and multiple forms of cancer and other diseases within my body. I had literally reached the bottom of my barrel and was looking for a way out, considering suicide at the time. Problem was I was bedridden and couldn’t move. I laid there unable to do anything for myself. I couldn’t feed, bath myself, open my medication bottles or wipe my own ass.



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.