In everything I have a choice in how I will judge any given moment.

Sabrina Reyenga
3 min readAug 31, 2018

Hello world. The following was written 8/31/2016.

What is being displayed here in this world for all to witness is how all of us are trained from birth to blindly follow without question as to why. We conform to the dictates of others so as not to feel different. In those moments it is acceptance that we are striving for blindly.

As children we mimic our care givers, peers and other adults around us. We do this for approval and acceptance all subconsciously. This “training” continues as we…



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.