Member-only story
It is the trials and tribulations we experience that propel us forward into growing and evolving.
Hello world. The following was written 2/1/2017.
How long before my brothers see what I am seeing? How long before they realize the way they have been manipulated? How long before they recognize a clear and present danger? I am witnessing a force gathering that will not stop until all are beneath their blade… I am witnessing a people opening the door and inviting in their own demise… Please Father, where is the hundredth monkey? This cycle must be broken if we are to survive and thrive once more. Thank you Father… Thank you…
Spirit speaks, “It is the trials and tribulations we experience that propel us forward into growing and evolving. Those lessons learned are the stepping stones along the path that is our journey. Each one was covered in a substance that hid it from our view. As we cleared the debris of the beliefs held our steps became sure and true. No longer floundering in fear and indecision as to what next we shall do. Recognize the silver lining within the experience. The choices you made to believe as you do. Seeing those choices you get to choose again. Changing your mind and view of what was to what actually is…”
As I watch and witness my brothers judging each other and separating themselves into smaller and smaller groups, I find myself neutral in all of this. I am not choosing any sides. In truth I am able to comprehend and understand where all sides are coming from. I also…