Member-only story
It is your choice to judge so perceive it to be other than what it actually is.
Hello world. The following was written 1/16/2019.
A brother responded to an article I shared this morning of a channeling I had done today called, “Recognize the hypocrisy as they tell you do as I say and not as I do….”. The following was his opening statement to my article and the subsequent dialogue that followed it.
My brother shares, “1. I want to share what I’ve learned about what happens when you die.
2. First off, it is important to state, that we live in the third dimension.
3. Now, when we die, we leave the third dimension.
4. What happens, is guides come to us and move our spirits into tall beds residing in the fourth dimension, also called bliss.
5. While we are being moved from the third dimension into these tall beds, we see many different colors.
6. This is energy that the guides are giving to us.
7. They do this because our spirits are weak and not acclimated to the fourth dimension.
8. Once in the fourth dimension, while on these beds, we undergo a review of our life where we relive lessons we learned while alive.
9. We relive our actions not only from our perspective, but from the perspective of others too. This helps us learn more lessons.
10. During this time, guides and their leaders watch a projected image of that which we are reliving.
11. Once life review is over, we may either reincarnate, or, by the leaders permission, move forward.
12. If we reincarnate, we simply wait for reincarnation to occur.
13. During this time we think and reflect on our life review. If we do not reincarnate, we are moved into a different bed.
14. On this new bed, we undergo a journey in our core, also known as the brain.
15. During this time, leaders bundle energy in the form of threads, and they connect the bundle from their cores to ours.
16. They then send energies that grow our spirit and give us knowledge.
17. We stay in the core journey until leaders wake us up to the fifth dimension, also called home.
18. When we wake up, we have 8 senses.”