Member-only story
Miracle Share
Hello world. The following was written 11/23/2015.
I was asked to do a Miracle share. So I asked myself, what miracle can I share? Is it that I am still breathing air? That I have died and been brought back multiple times. That each time I died I stood beside my body being given a choice to continue or move on. Is it a miracle that I am breathing? Some may say it is. Others will say it isn’t. Is it a miracle that I am standing here on my own two feet? When my doctors told me I would never walk unaided again. What is a miracle share? I am being told by Holy Spirit that the miracle is the sharing. The sharing of perspective. The sharing of the shift within that happens when one gives up what they were taught to believe blindly.
Wrecking my motorcycle is one miracle. Being shown that everything I thought defined me as a Human Being was a lie, well that is a true miracle. Seeing every single thing I thought myself to be was a lie I was taught to believe in. I am a mother. A business woman. A wife. A daughter. A… A… None of these things define who I am. They were no more than a judgment I was taught to believe in. Each and every one of them. My miracle was seeing the Truth of what I was taught to believe in and letting it go. This is the miracle of sharing. Seeing a way to the other side by hearing where your brothers have been. Being given the opportunity to see a way out for yourself. What were you taught to believe? That is what I ask myself every day. What were you taught to believe?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.