Member-only story
Political Correctness steals your ability to express yourself fluidly.
Hello world. The following was written 10/09/2018.
For the last few days I have been finding myself in dialogues with my brothers that seem to revolve around their beliefs in labels, being politically correct and blindly following and believing what a supposed authority figure is stating is True. Such as what has been being said about Justice Kavanaugh. To one such item that had been posted I found myself responding and the following dialogue ensued. All of this happened two days ago. This morning I found myself responding to another brothers post and another dialogue ensued there. Both shall be shared here with you all. FYI, this article is very long.
My comment, “What happened to innocent until proven guilty? It is only in COMMUNIST SOCIALIST countries that you are GUILTY until proven innocent. Wonder what all these blind wanna be socialists are going to say when their heroes are being tried by military tribunals for treason?”
A brother asks, “Do you think the woman was lying Sabrina Reyenga? Do you think it’s possible that a woman would not know who assaulted her if she knew the person beforehand? That she would be mistaken?”
My response, “Hello brother. Yes I “feel” she is lying on multiple counts. She was not assaulted for starters. When she was speaking of the incident during the hearing the emotions she was displaying were token. There was no “true” emotional energy connected to the “event” nor the “people”…