The difference between Sharing your Truth and Correcting a brother is Intention!

Sabrina Reyenga
3 min readJun 23, 2021

Hello world. The following was written 6/22/2016.

Throughout the Spiritual Community there is a belief that is followed of “Not correcting a brother.” That anyone correcting a brother “IS” judging their brother. When a brother is sharing with them their Truth, the perspective they are or have experienced something from, the ones hearing this feel as if they are being told they are wrong. In this frame of mind many assume a brother is attacking them. Folks, this simply is not true.

Yes, there are many out there who will try to correct others. Telling them they are wrong and need to do and think as they do. That they know what is best for everyone else around them. Using manipulative examples such as: How old are you? This infers that because they may be older than you are, they know better and you should listen to them. BULLSHIT! Do you have a piece of paper that says you know what you know? This infers that they believe they have more “knowledge” than you and others, so you should obviously listen to them. BULLSHIT!

I have shared before the differences between knowledge and Knowing. How there are many “teachers” out there who have all kinds of knowledge about this or that. There are very few “teachers” out there who have actual knowing. Knowledge comes from outside of you from things like books, music, movies, discussions. Knowing comes from within through our experiences. It comes from experiencing something and learning from that experience about yourself.

When someone is sharing their experiences with you and the lessons or perspectives they hold of that experience, they are presenting you an opportunity to see your own experience in a different way. They are permitting you an opportunity to choose again and choose differently this time.

As Alex stated here when someone accused him of correcting them.

Alex states, “When you hear or read the words of another shared and they say that 2+2=5. It is an opportunity for you to share the truth that 2+2=4. If that person says that you are judging them then they are not ready to hear the truth. That other person isn’t bad for not accepting the truth, but they are possibly so defended that they cannot hear or see the truth. That’s okay, stand in your light of truth anyways.”

My response to that brother was this, “There comes a point on ones journey when they are…



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.