The TRUTH, is often mistaken for the lie.

Sabrina Reyenga
9 min readJan 25, 2019

Hello world. The following was written 1/25/2019.

A brother asks, “What is the true basis for forgiveness?”

My response, “ Hello brother. Forgiveness is a lie that has been taught to you. It is NOT TRUE. If everything we go through and experience is for our benefit, how could anything every go wrong or need to be forgiven? If one chooses to look at and question this belief they would find the lie therein and begin to let go of all they have JUDGED as being what it is for them.

There is an article I wrote back in 2016 sharing a vision I was given regarding forgiveness and tithing. I am told you will find it very enlightening to say the least and that it will help give perspective and understanding of the lies you have been trained to accept and believe in as being true for you…

“Forgiveness and Tithing

Hello world. The following was written 10/15/2016. It is a sharing of a vision I channeled of how we are trained to believe in lies such as sin and forgiveness.

As I was rereading a post yesterday that I had written a year ago I found a phrase standing out for me. The phrase was, “Many say the key is forgiveness.” Upon reading this I found myself receiving a vision and an understanding. The vision starts with an ancient city and people walking towards and into a temple carrying “gifts” with the intent and purpose of making an offering to the God’s for forgiveness. In essence they were tithing to the temple. Paying…



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.