The Truth is what shall set you free.

Sabrina Reyenga
4 min readJun 21, 2018

Hello world. The following was written 6/21/2017.

Back in 2009 my Husband Alex and I entered into a land sale contract with a family member. We requested copies of the contract and waited, and waited, and waited some more. Our copy never arrived. Within a year we had improved the property so increased it’s value. By some strange happening we are told the contract has been lost… We ask if another one could be written up to replace it. We are told no and a nightmare ensues of being told we are renters and must conform to their dictates. When we refuse we are then threatened with eviction thereby losing our business, animal companions and homelessness.

In our scramble to clear out excess and try to sell whatever we could to make enough money to move out the contract was found hidden away were they had hidden it. It is amazing how little pieces of paper with some squiggly lines can bring in a change of perspective. Change ones purview from darkness to light. How the smallest sliver of hope can be manifested by the tiniest of things.

I am finding my mind shifting quickly and seamlessly from fearful thoughts of survival to thoughts of living and thriving with love of life and the moment. That there are more options and possibilities than was first believed.

I am recognizing that in some ways I had to look at that which I do not want to experience in order to see what it is I really would like to experience instead. This has helped me to crystallize within my own mind what is truly of value to me. How I choose to see the world and the beings within it. How I am choosing to interact and respond to what is placed before me. What I am choosing to value is what will decide my state of mind.

The Truth is what shall set you free. Understanding and recognizing that everything you experience is for your benefit and that you are the one judging it to be other than it is in those moments. That when one willingly goes within to seek the answer an answer is always given. Yet, recognize that when you seek outside of you the answer will never come. Our actions or inaction in response to any given situation will always be based out of our own fears and judgments of what we believe is the truth and how things should be. It has nothing to do with what another is thinking, feeling, and doing. It will always be based out of what it is we choose to believe. No one is doing anything to hurt us. It is our judgments that do.



Sabrina Reyenga

I am a psychic empath, channel and Spiritual Healer. I am here to help Humanity heal sharing one conversation, contemplation, vision and channeling at a time.