Member-only story
Willingness the size of a mustard seed…
Hello world. The following was written 2/6/2017.
Thank you for sharing my brothers. When I share the dialogues we have, I do so that our brothers may witness what is shared and be healed. Healed of the beliefs and misperceptions that we are taught to think and believe define us in some way. We, each of us, have a purpose for being here where we are, when we are.
I had shared this post in a number of groups… “My brother’s… I ask you now… If everything we experience is for our benefit, would that also make vitriolic dialogue of benefit too?
I am told by my Guides that all dialogue, even vitriolic dialogue is of benefit. It brings to the surface that which was hidden from the perceiver… It brings to the light that which has been kept in the dark.
What is brought forth is brought forth for healing…. To be looked at and questioned as to why you are choosing to believe it.
If you want healing of this pain you are experiencing then look within at what you are choosing to think and believe in as truth. What you are thinking is what is causing you this pain. Its what you choose to do to yourself.
All of you have a choice here in what next you shall do. If you want to keep this pain or let it go. To ask for the corrections to your misperceptions or to keep your fabrications that you have chosen up to this point. It is up to you and always has been.”
The initial post I had written and responded to was deleted a few minutes after I had copied and pasted those words and began sharing them in all the groups I am in. I had asked a question. I shared an understanding about allowing the content. Recognizing that what was being brought to the surface was being brought up for the purpose of being healed. Yet, someone still felt that whatever was being shared was not appropriate due to the vitriol and subject matter.
Now I ask you my brothers… Where in ACIM does it say one is to pick and choose what is or is not of benefit to them and their brothers? My understanding is just the opposite. Everything is for our benefit. All is for our healing. So why would my brother block their brothers from healing by deleting their brothers calls for love?
This is something I am contemplating now. Why would my brother choose to shut the door on an opportunity to heal for their brothers? It makes me question what exactly their purpose here is if it is not…