To make no choice IS A CHOICE as you stated. Something to consider, there are no wrong or bad choices per se, for all choices made have lessons one is to learn from them buried within them. Whatever you would choose now MAY BE ABLE TO BE changed later. Recognize the MAY BE ABLE TO in that statement. If you shoot someone and kill them there is no coming back from that scenario so to speak.
Another aspect to consider is whatever you go through so experience is and will be for your benefit whether you know it as it is occurring or not. What matters here is how you are choosing to perceive and JUDGE whatever is occurring. It is your judgments of it which create the pain and suffering you experience. Your judgments were taught to you. They were learned and can be UNLEARNED through choice using your FREE WILL to do so. You are allowed to choose whatever it is you want to. You are not required to believe as anyoe else is choosig to ad they are not required to believe as you are choosing to.
Everything comes down to how we choose to judge so experience our reality as being. As I have shared before, even in the act of being raped I have to choose to judge what is experienced or accept judgments about it defining me and destroying me for it to have ANY EFFECT on me. I have to CHOOSE to believe whats said to me about it or JUDGE it myself in those ways for it to hurt me. I have to CHOOSE to believe those things about it. Do you understand? I have to choose to accept what another is saying for their words to hurt me. I have to JUDGE what I am experiencing for it to cause me mental, emotional and even physical pain and suffering.