Member-only story
True forgiveness is achieved, when judgments are set aside.
Hello world. The following was written 7/14/2016.
I do not remember the last time I was in a frame of mind, to judge. It is neither good or bad, it simply is what it is. Even as the attacks happened in Paris, I had no judgment of it. Just an understanding. It was a catalyst, needed for the healing of the world. It has been the same with Brussels, Tel Avis, Orlando and many others.
What is not understood, is no one made up the rules they play by. The rules were given to them or handed to them, by someone else. We blindly follow what we are told, as children. This is where our rules come from.
Everything I believed defined me, was taught to me by my care givers, peers, and society, between the ages of day one to year 6. I have found this to be absolutely true. When I willingly looked at the things I experienced as an infant, I found I made all choices to believe and judge from the experiences I was having. It all came from the treatment I received.
At 9 months old, as my grandmother force fed me, I learned a gag reflex. When anyone tried to force their will on me, I gag or throw up. When my grandmother then kicked me across a room, I believed my asking for attention, love, and affection was to ask for physical pain and violence. At 9 months old, I learned to be touched by another, was to be found unworthy of love and kindness. By the time I was 6, I had been verbally, emotionally, and physically taught I was here to be used and abused…