Member-only story
We are all Human Beings of the HUMAN RACE.
Hello world. The following was written 10/10/2017.
It seems as if many people are asking a similar question. “If black lives matter why do they kill each other?”
The entire premise of the black lives matter movement is to manufacture a chasm of separation based on an imagined difference between one person and another. It is a belief the color of ones skin changes who one is within them. None of this is true. We are all Human Beings of the HUMAN RACE. It is who and what we are on an elemental level. We are Human Beings. The only differences between us are the judgments held within our own minds that have been taught to us.
We have been taught to perceive differences from one Being to the next. To judge anyone who looks, sounds, thinks, believes, acts and does things differently than us as the enemy. Taught everyone must conform to those things we have been taught are Truth. The black lives matter group is no different in this. The group is being used and do not even realize it.
The other point here is the group has not and is not accepting responsibility for themselves. They are not looking within their own communities and taking action to educate their youth. Instead they have handed away their rights to the government in a belief they will be taken care of. Their youth is a by product of a left leaning polarization towards Nazism. If one were to look back on history and how Hitler polarized the youth you would realize and recognize what you are seeing is this…