Member-only story
We are all the same for All of Humanity has been trained to judge and be judged.
Hello world. The following was written 1/30/2019.
A brother states, “Now we know why the Bible says no sex before marriage.”
My response, “Interesting, and what exactly would that be? Is it the understanding that what has been put before Humanity within these religious doctrines is no more than a textbook formula for the indoctrination and slow stealing of their ability to discern Truth using their Free Will to Choose what Resonates as Truth within them as Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing against them? Is it the understanding of how they have been manipulated and coerced from birth to conform and comply with and to the judgmental expectations that where being handed to them by those around them who stated they were the authority? Is it the comprehension that every word and label they have been handed as defining who they are and are supposed to be with their myriad definitions being twisted on a whim as they are handed to them are all LIES they have been forced to accept and believe in as being true? What exactly would it be you refer to here with your statement brother?”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga without the soul healing, the man or woman becomes their ‘ God’ and all hell breaks loose. God must come first. Also, if you really love someone, sex can wait until you commit in marriage. If one can’t….. is that love?”
My response, “There are quite a few assumptions, judgments and blind beliefs you are putting forth there with your statement and loaded judgmental question.
First off you are assuming and judging that one must seek outside themselves and place another above them on some ladder or pedestal of authority. God does not judge. God does no more than WITNESS what it is we are choosing to do and perceive ourselves and our reality to be. In all instances God recognizes that we are caught up in an illusion of our own making with our choices we make to believe so perceive.
All that you have stated is no more than a judgmental belief that has been handed to you by someone else and told it is the Truth and this is how it is supposed to be. A belief that one should feel shame, guilt and fear for and about their body and the things they will experience while within it. Things such as attraction, desire, pleasure, joy and so much more that comes with Human touch and Intimacy.