Member-only story
What is it you would teach and of what value would it be to anyone but you?
Hello world. The following was written 1/25/2019.
A brother states, “If you have listened to the Teacher, you will not think there is anything else to learn.”
My response, “ That is an interesting perspective and belief system you are holding there which would entail one to blindly follow and believe in whatever it is being said and or stated by the one they have placed on a pedestal of imagined authority. That would mean it is a choice they are actively making to be a victim of the world they perceive their reality as being. On my own journey Holy Spirit and my Guides have taught me something very different regarding “the Teacher”.
My Guides state, “The Teacher’s Purpose…
The purpose of the teacher is to teach the student to turn within. The goal of the teacher is to get the student to no longer come to the teacher for answers. The teacher teaches the student that the answers they seek are within them. That they are the Master of their journey. They make all choices and decisions to be, believe, perceive and experience their reality as being what it will be for them. No one will make these choices for you and no can make these choices for you.”
I am finding it interesting how Humanity is blindly following and accepting what they read in a book, are told by a teacher as well as these rules, laws and regulations being handed to them by these representatives that are supposed to be listening to and following what their constituents are asking for. Instead it is the other way around. These reps have the masses believing they are in control and the masses must comply or be punished…. They are overstepping their authority and any and all authority they have is and has been given by We The People. This means We The People can rip them right out of that chair we have placed their asses into. I WILL NOT COMPLY! They work for me and not me for them!
Something to consider… No one can tell you what it is you know, think, believe nor experience. No one has authority over you unless you CHOOSE to allow them to. You have to willingly make a choice to conform and comply with their dictates in order for them to have any impact on you directly. YOU have to ACCEPT what is being handed to you in those moments. So, the question now becomes for the Individual Being, when is enough, enough? When do they CHOOSE to STAND UP and say NO MORE, I WILL NOT COMPLY…